Thursday 15 November 2012

General knowledge : National Game of india

National Game

Hockey is the National Game of India. The nation has an impressive record in the game with eight Olympic gold medals. The Golden Era of hockey in India was the period form 1928-1956 when India won six consecutive gold medals in the Olympics. In 2008, the Indian Hockey confederation was renamed as Hockey India as a symbolic gesture to look for a bright future. 

General knowledge : National River of india

National River

The Ganga is the National River of India. It is the longest river of India flowing over 2,510 kms. It originates in the snow fields of the Gangotri in the Himalayas as the Bhagirathi River. It is revered by Hindus as the most sacred river on the earth. The main religious ceremonies are held on the banks of the river at cities such as Varanasi, Haridwar and Allahabad. 

General Knowledge : National Fruit of India

National Fruit

Mango is the National Fruit of India. Mango is a fleshy fruit of the tree Mangifena Indica. In India, there are over 100 varieties of mangoes in different sizes, shapes and colours . 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

RBI Introduces New Category of NBFCs

Banking Notes  

The Reserve Bank of India on July 23, 2012, introduced a new category of NBFC Factors and stipulated that every company seeking registration as NBFC-Factors would have a minimum net-owned fund (NOF) of Rs 5 crore.
          Existing companies seeking registration as NBFC- Factor but do not fulfill the NOF criterion of Rs 5 crore may approach the RBI for time to comply with the requirement. An NBFC-Factor would ensure that its financial assets in the factoring business constitute at least 75 percent of its total assets and its income derived from factoring business is not less than 75 percent of its gross income. However they should raise the asset/income percentage as required or unwind the factoring business within 2 years from the date of this notification.

Monday 12 November 2012

World Affairs : Dependency of Pakistan

Dependency of Pakistan

Pakistan has received over 20 billion dollar in military and non military aid since 2001, Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of US assistance. In the Year 2012 it is set to receive nearly 3 billion dollar in US aid. 

World Affairs : Kerry-Luger Bill

Kerry-Luger Bill

The US Senate in 2009 had unanimously passed the Kerry-Luger bill which tripled non-military aid to p0akistan to 1.5 billion dollar per annum, pledging America's long term commitment to its key ally against extremism. 

World Affairs : US Majority Vote to Cut Aid to Pakistan

US Majority Vote to Cut Aid to Pakistan

the US house of Representative on July 19,2012 has voted unanimously to cut the US aid to Pakistan by 650 million dollar. The amendment to cut the aid was proposed by Republican congressman Ted Poe. The proposal will now be tabled in Senate for its approval. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

World Affairs : Plan to Form Interim Government in Syria

Plan to Form Interim Government in Syria

The High-level talks in Geneva on June 30, 2012 have brought together Foreign Ministers from five Countries along with Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait and Iraq to discuss the Syria issue. Kofi Annan, US-Arab league special envoy to Syria has stated that world powers have all agreed to his political transition plan for Syria as to forming an interim government In Syria.

World Affairs : Friends of Syria Meeting

Friends of Syria Meeting 

Over 100 countries delegations have met at the third Friends of Syria meeting held in Paris on July 6, 2012. A group of western and Arab countries has called for tougher sanctions against the Syrian government and are mulling over peace political transition in violence-torn Arab country

World Affairs : Russia , China Veto on Syria Resolution

Russia , China Veto 

Russia and China have vetoed the resolution on Syria at the United Nation Security Council in New York on July 19, 2012. The resolution has threatened Syrian authorities with sanctions of they do nto stop violence against the uprising in Syria. It is the third time that Russia and China have used their veto power on Syrian Resolution. 

50 Question of Current Affairs 2012

Current Affairs Questions 

1.  Who is crowned Miss India World 2012? 
Ans Vanya Mishra

2. Name the cricket personality called 'The Wall' who retired from International cricket recently. 
Ans. Rahul Dravid

3. Which country has India agreed 'in-principle' to the participation in hydro power-projects in the 