Thursday 1 November 2012

SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam preparation

MCQ'S for SSC 10+2 Exam

1. The Kharif crops are harvested in:
    a) June – July
October – November
    c) May – June

    d) March – April
    Ans : October – November

2. Which of the following taxes is not a direct tax?
    a) Gift tax
    b) Wealth tax
 Sales tax
    d) Estate duty
3. UNDP prepares
    a) Index Number of Price Level
    b) Physical Quality Index

 Human Development Index
    d) Standard of Living Index
4. Fiscal policy refers to
    a) Sale and purchase of securities by RBI
 Government taxes, expenditure and borrowings
    c) Government borrowings from abroad
    d) Sharing of its revenue by Central Government with States
5. Public opinion gets an authoritative expression in a democracy through
    a) Newspapers
    c) Pressure groups
    d) Public meetings
6. Which one of the following is not a determining factor of a country’s foreign policy?
    a) National interests
    c) Cultural conditions
    d) Religious conditions
7. Who will act as the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee?
 The Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha
    b) The Leader of the House
    c) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
    d) The Vice-President of India
8. Who was chosen unanimously as the President of India?
    a) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
 Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
    c) K.R. Narayanan
    d) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
9. The Constitution of India was passed by the Constitutent Assembly on 
    a) 17th
 October, 1949
    b) 14th
 November, 1949
 26th November, 1949
    d) 26th January, 1949
10. The power to decide an election petition is vested in the
     a) Parliament
     b) Supreme Court
 High Court
     d) Election Commission
11. The 1857 Mutiny failed mainly because 
      a) the British got French support
      b) the British numbered more
 of lack of planning and leadership
      d) it was premature
12. The Story of ‘My Experiment with Truth” is the autobiography of
      a) Lala lajpat Rai
      b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
      c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 Mahatma Gandhi
13. Who among the following made the Ganapati festival very popular in Maharashtra?
      a) Gopal krishna Gokhale
      b) Annie Vesant
 Mahadev Ranade
      d) Bal Gangadhar  Tilak
14. The Mughal ruler who built the Buland Darwaja was
      b) Babur
      c) Humayun
      d) Bahadur Shah
15. Diarchy in the provinces  was introduced through the
      a) Indian Councils Act, 1861
      b) Indian Councils Act, 1862
 Government of India Act, 1919
      d) Government of India Act, 1935
16. Which of the following is the world’s largest desert?
      a) Gobi
      c) The Great Australian Desert
      d) Arabian Desert
17. The rate of erosion in a stream is lowest where
      a) breadth is greater
 velocity is more
      c) the river joins the sea
      d) depth is greater
18. The name ‘Sahyadri’ is related to:
 Western Ghats
      b) Cyclone hazards
      c) A rain-bearing wind
      d) Himalayan Peak
19. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
 Himachal Pradesh   -   Shilong
      b) Andhra Pradesh         -   Hyderabad
      c) Uttar pradesh             -   Lucknow
      d) Arunachal Pradesh     -   Itanagar
20. Tides in the sea have stored in them
      a) Hydraulic energy
      b) Kinetic energy
      c) Gravitational potential energy
 A combination of all the three forms of energy
21. Delivery of developed foetus is scientifically called as
      b) Oviposition
      c) Abortion
      d) Ovulation
22. Thyroxine hormone is secreted by
      a) Pituitary gland
 Thyroid gland
      c) Adrneal gland
    d) Testes
23. The digestive juice which has no enzyme is 
      b) Saliva 
      c) Intestinal juice
      d) Gastric juice
24. An essential feature of seed germination is the presence of 
      a) Minerals
      c) Light
     d) Temperature
25. Plants that grow on stones and rocks are 
      a) Halophytes
      b) Aerophytes
      c) Psammophytes
26. Tactile hair is found in the body of 
     b) Mammals
     c) Reptiles
     d) Birds
27. The source of energy in the sun 
      a) nuclear fission
 nuclear fusion
      c) radioactivity
     d) electrical energy
28. Which one of the following materials is used as controller in a nuclear reactor
      power generator?
      a) Cadmium
      b) Beryllium
      c) Graphite
      d) Heavy Water
29. Banking of curves on road or railway track is done to provide
 centripetal force
     b) centrifugal force
     c) gravitational force
     d) angular velocity
30. ___________ is a type of application software used for communication.
     b) Word processing
     c) Database
     d) Image editing
31. A floppy disk is 
      a) a semiconductor random-access memory
      b) an EPROM
      c) used as the primary memory in computer system
 made up of magnetic material
32. MDI stands for
 Multiple Document Interface
      b) Multiple Design Interface
      c) Multiple Design Interaction
      d) Multiple Document Interaction
33. People die in an atmosphere of  carbon dioxide because
      a) it is a poisonous gas
      b) it destroys tissues
 of want of oxygen
      d) of suffocation
34. Which of the following acts as photosensitizer during photosynthesis?
      a) Oxygen
      b) Nitrogen
     d) Chlorine
35. What happens when bleaching powder is left exposed to air?
      a) it turns dark brown in colour
      b) it turns yellow in colour
      c) it gradually loses its oxygen
 it gradually loses its chlorine
36. Arsenic pollution leads to
      a) White foot disease
 Black foot disease
      c) Dyslexia
      d) Allergy
37. Which one of the following does not contribute to pollution?
      a) Thermal Power Plant
 Nuclear Power Plant
      c) Hydroelectric Power Plant
      d) Atomic Power Plant
38. Which of the following are the two major components of dry air (by volume)?
 Nitrogen and Oxygen
      b) Oxygen and Argon
      c) Nitrogen and Ammonia
      d) Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
39. Which one of the following is not an example of Lotic ecosystem?
      a) Stream
      b) Lagoon
      d) Estuary
40. Permissible noise level at industrial area during daytime is
      a) 40 dB (A)
 75 dB (A)
      c) 120 dB (A)
      d) 140 dB (A)
41. Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistan Prime Minister was assassinated in 
      a) Hyderabad
      b) Karachi
      d) Islamabad
 42. Which of the following is correctly matched?
 Research Institue                         Headquarters
     a) Leather Research Institue     -       Lucknow   
     b) Rice Research Institute     -       Cuttack
     c) Silk Research Institute        
-      Bangalore  
     d) Sugar Research Institute      -      Chennai    

43. Who was affectionately known as the “Grand Old Man of India”?
     a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
     b) Mahatma gandhi
     c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 Dadabhai Naoroji
44. India test fired successfully its Agni-V surface-to-surface ICBM from Wheeler Island on
      a) 8th
 March, 2012
      b) 7th
 April, 2012
      c) 17th
 March, 2012
 17th April, 2012
45. Find the odd one out:
      a) IDBI              -    Industrial Finance
      b) SIDBI            -    Financial assistance to small industries
 FCI               -    Financial assistance to commercial institutions
      d) EXIM BANK    -    Financing of Export-Import trade
46. The Tweleth Five Year Plan will be operative for the period
      a) 2010 – 2015
      b) 2011 – 2016
 2012 – 2017
      d) 2013 – 2018
47. The State with largest gap in the male and female literacy is
      a) Uttar Pradesh
      b) Madhya Pradesh
      d) Kerala
48. “Better to regin in hell than serve in heaven.” Who said these words?
      a) William Shakespeare
      c) William Wordsworth
      d) Lord Tennyson
49. Comprehensive Test Ban Treat (CTBT) is associated with the ban on which of
      the following?

      a) Ban on certain organisations under UN laws
      b) Ban on money laundering activities
 Ban on nuclear tests for developing arsenals
      d) Ban on terrrorism
50. The Pulitzer prize is associated with which of the  following?
      a) Environmental Protection
      b) Civil Aviation
      d) Olympic Games


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