Saturday 18 May 2013

India's first underground Nuclear Tests

India's Nuclear Tests

On May 18, 1974, India conducted her first underground nuclear explosion at Pokhran in the Thar Desert at a depth of 100 metres. The code name used to convey the success of the test to the then Prome Minister , Indira Gandhi was Buddha is smiling for the second time, India
conducted n May 11, 1998, three underground nuclear explosion at the same place at a depth of 100 metres. The tests conducted were with a fission device, a low yield device and a thermonuclear device. The tests were code named Operation Shakti. In continuation of the planned series, two more sub-kiloton nuclear tests were carried out on May 13, 1998 at the same place
                with these tests, India become the sixth nuclear power in the world, having the capability of manufacturing nuclear weapons, However, India's nuclear power policy is to use the atomic energy mainly for peaceful purposes and to keep the nuclear weapons development programme contingent upon nuclear threat perception and the deterrence thereof. 


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