Saturday 13 October 2012

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Saakshar Bharat : Ministry of Human Resource Development

Name of the Scheme
Saakshar Bharat
Sponsored by
Both: Central & State Government
Funding Pattern
A total financial outlay for Saakshar Bharat during the last 3 years of XI Plan period is Rs. 6502.70 crores, out of which the Central share will be Rs. 4993.02 crore. The share of funding between Central and State Government is in the ratio of 75:25 and in the case of North-Eastern States including Sikkim in the ratio of 90:10, respectively.
Department of School Eduction & Literacy
The main objective of this scheme is to further promote and strengthen Adult Education, specially of women, by extending educational options to those adults who having lost the opportunity to access formal education and crossed the standard age, now feel a need for learning of any type.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
Non Literatres in the age group of 15-35 years and Women.
How to Avail
To implement the programme, 1.70 lakh Lok Shiksha Kendras (Adult Education Centers) will be established in Panchayat grams of the districts covered under the programme. The benefit of the scheme can be availed by contacting Lok Shiksha Kendras in various regions.
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
01 / 10 / 2009
Valid Upto
07 / 10 / 2011


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